teasers delivered to Reward Member's inbox's
click to open rate
'learn more' CTA clicks
Chipotle and Stefan Thomas, the tech founder who notoriously lost his Bitcoin login worth $387 million, well they need your help to recover the passcode.
emails delivered to Reward Member's inbox's
click to open rate
chance of winning
'play now' CTA clicks
10,000 fans
will win one 1 free burrito
3 fans
will win $25,000 in Bitcoin
50 fans
will win $500 in Bitcoin
Tap 'Play now' and the players were driven to a landing page where they had 10 tries to guess the correct passcode.
April 1st 2021 Chipotle became the first U.S. restaurant brand to offer a cryptocurrency giveaway to consumers and the game went viral. Twitter and Reddit exploded with players sharing their winnings, disappointments and passcodes.
Role. Graphic Designer Art Director. Clay Needham Copywriter. Adam Tarchoun
Motion Graphics. Spike Martin Client. Chipotle Agency. Gale Partners